Wednesday, May 28, 2014


In a moment of silence, I pause and recollect, all the aspects of my life
I close my eyes as I reflect upon things that brought me pain
A frown came upon my face as I continued to reflect
Then choosing not to stay so quite severe, I reflect upon what made me

Suddenly, that frown is gone to find a smile that fills me up with joy
I continue to reflect to how I came to be where I am now
But once again that frown crept in and stole my smile, and filled my heart
with sadness.

Then I reflect, how hard it was for me to overcome, so many obstacles
And here came that smile again out from its hiding place
Filling me with enormous gratification for having survived.

The ups, the downs, the ins, the outs, of what life threw at me
It was as if, this was a blueprint of my soul in the mortal sense.
The reflections did mirror my soul, and give a promise of hope for

I continued to smile as my reflections run my frown away.