Sunday, March 6, 2016


How do you measure your success? 
Have you chosen your own personal gauge or are you measuring your success according to others? 

So many people make the mistake of believing that success has only to do with financial gain. But, only if that is your purpose in life is that even relevant.

Consider asking yourself, "What is important to me?" Once you have answered to your satisfaction, then set the goal in which you wish to achieve. If your goal is to be a good mother and partner, then financial gain may have little to do with your personal success. 

If your goal is to go into business for yourself, then financial gain will be a part of your success. 

Consider personalizing what you want to achieve and it will easier to be successful according to you!

Tell me what is success to you..........................................

What Does Will Mean To You?

W. I. L. L.

What do each of these letters represent to you? Each individual will have it take on a different meeting. For each meaning will become relative to the individual alone, so how will these letters gain relevancy for you?