Friday, October 29, 2021

Domestic Violence Awareness Month

 Most people know that October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month because there is PINK everywhere. You see all kinds of products in the stores, all in pink. In sports, teams are wearing sneakers, socks, headbands, etc. All this is to raise money for breast Cancer research. This is all very good. But did you know what the color purple represents? This month is also Domestic Violence Awareness Month and its color is purple. But, do see teams or stores promoting the idea with purple? No! Does not Domestic Violence deserve attention and funding to educate our communities to what domestic violence truly means. Most think that it means geting beat. It is so much more than physical violence. There is verbal violence, emotional violence, financial violence, and sexual violence. Aren't matters involving control of a human beings important enough to give services to help victims of domestic violence? It has become the dirty secret that gets swept under the rug. Though boys and men are abused, girls and women are abused at a much larger rate. 

Learning to know and understand domestic violence would be a credit to society. If men and women learned to understand and recognize the signs of domestic violence they would be able to deal with it. But funding is needed to set up programs and establish shelters for victims. There are never enough. 

We need all of us to learn to F.L.Y. (first love yourself). We also need to have unconditional love.

Love to all my brothers and sisters, afterall we are our brothers' and sisters' keeper.


and remember to "Pay It Forward"

1 comment:

  1. Home is where the heart is, except for the rest of us because my life was grim from the start, and some of us was wired the wrong way, and we blame ourselves for everything, take a look at me I always apologize before I begin to speak because I always felt guilty about adult deeds that I didn't do and I always did say that little apologetic word sorry this and sorry that and at the age of senior I really need a break and a permanent vacation, I couldn't fit in my family and when I took the DNA test that is when I found out the truth. I was in a bad and unstable marriage from the beginning of that marriage, I am legally divorced .
