Tuesday, December 24, 2013

When They're Gone

We think we have it altogether...we are strong enough to go about our day without a care or worry. Then suddenly we feel as though the rug has pulled out from under our feet. Humbled by default to acknowledge we feel lost, empty, something missing with no resolution. Thumbing through our thoughts to find something we can grasp onto other than ourselves. It does not work to fill the hole that is deep within. We find ourselves running from the thoughts that seem to haunt us, except it's like being chased in your dreams and mind is telling you that you're running, but you actually are stuck in one place.

Yes, you finally admit that the reason you are totally feeling unbalanced is because someone you love is no longer there. You cannot get a reassuring hug, rest your head on their shoulder or tell them your tale for the day. They are NOT there! You actually miss them like you never thought you would. It hurts to just give thought to their absence though you pause to give way to a smile in remembrance of one of their tales they shared. Within the smile is a yearning to be in their presence. Your heart aches with desire to just be held again, to see their smile, to hear their laugh and know they are there.

Unfortunately, they are gone! Now you truly know how much love you have for them. It's not that you didn't know before that you loved them, but somehow that love intensifies in their absence.

Just remember to never waste a moment in time to acknowledge in the here and now how much you love before "They're Gone".

Thursday, September 26, 2013


************NEW CHAPTER************

Amazing how we get to a certain point in our lives and are told we are all grown up now and are now on our own to figure things out. Then some years later, we realize the reason the other grown ups older than us could not tell us more is they either did not know the answers themselves or they suffered from a very inevitable disease called "CRS", which one the elders happily informed me now that it means "cant remember shit!" Yes, that's right I said it, just as she told me which was hard to believe she was saying, but was funny as heck because it was so true. I couldn't believe she hit the nail on the head without me telling her that I couldn't remember what I had done with my keys for days. I knew I didn't lose them, but only couldn't remember where I put them to save my life. LOL!!!
Whatever this new chapter is, it definitely has a lot more positive promises than any of my other chapters. Most times I didn't have a clue where I was going to end up next. The challenges were great, the roads were rough, the journeys were all up hill more like climbing a mountain, but somehow I survived. I would not say that I got up the mountain, but I would describe it more like slipping and sliding back down the mountain to start over on a different track. Now I am starting a "new chapter" of my life on an even smooth path with nothing but positive possibilities. 

Will I have now the ability to share my new found wisdom with the next who enters their new chapter?

Tuesday, June 4, 2013


By Shereema Ibrahim, 6/9/05

Hidden behind every door is a blessing
Around every corner is a blessing
At every crossroad we choose our blessing
We go about our lives struggling to make sense
The everyday occurrences of
Getting up..........washing up
Getting dressed...........doing our hair
In and of themselves, they are each a blessing
Sometimes the path we’re on, chosen or forced upon
We struggle through
And then hopelessness
Surrounded by absolute darkness
There is always light
The choice is ours; it’s called “Free Will”
A blessing in itself
To fight.........be strong.........to rise above
To see beyond the trees
To learn..............to grow
Teach others what we’ve come to know
Use our struggle..........pain...............and agony
To turn things all around
Reap the blessings of your survival

Then be blessed for doing so.

Saturday, May 18, 2013


I am on the adventure of my life and I am loving it! 

For a long time, I stopped dreaming and imagining "what if" in the positive sense. I had no vision past "the here and the now" and that was relatively bleak and much in need of adjustment. 
Now I find myself in a place that seems familiar with its invigorating energy lifting my spirits in a way I had forgotten. It's good to feel so alive almost in a hypnotic way. Just faithful fascination seduces my resolve to chemistry. Simplistic emotions surface, as to make its way passed all the barriers that had been built, to the top. Highlighting its new place in line recognized only as most important. 
Suddenly, without fair warning, I'm dreaming and imagining "what if" in the most incredible way. Then without hesitation that moment in time is seized and forever imprinted in my mind as a stamp would, "handle with care".

I am on the adventure of my life and I am loving it in every possible way. New people, new places, new thoughts, new prospects, etc., etc., etc.. I've learned to see and have a vision again for the future, for the future is MINE!

Sunday, April 7, 2013

School Again?

You couldn't have made me believe that I would ever being doing this again. But I guess it is TRUE, never say NEVER! LOL!
Here I am about to embark upon yet another chapter in my life. I thought I was done with this detail, but school books, homework and test, "Here I Come!" 

Make no mistake about it, at my age it is a little more than exciting. It without a doubt is a little scary. Just asking oneself, if you're up to the challenge. Yes, challenge on many different levels. If you survive it, is it hopeful and excitingly promising? Yes! So what the heck does one have to lose? Well I would say, my mind, but LOL, that is one of  the challenges along with the body, but Lord willing, I am willing to make the best effort to the finish line. 
  I am going to another college to work towards getting a Microsoft Certification.

 That should be impressive on my resume and business cards. I do so much look forward to it. I have managed to survive all these years, exploring and navigating through the various software programs on my own. I taught myself, but technology is moving faster than a speeding bullet and that is virtually impossible to keep up. 
I do believe that this new journey will be an adventure, one that I will be able to laugh about and hopefully smile with great satisfaction and pride that I dared to surprise myself. 
So I say, "Yes, school again!"

Sunday, February 24, 2013


Living for today is not always the easiest thing, but it is the best thing to be happy. Leave the worry and stress where it comes in and park it there. Do not carry it or drag it around with you. Today is what you have and live it! Tomorrow is NOT promised to any of us.  We cannot live in fear of what tomorrow might bring. We can be hopeful of the possibilities that may present themselves. How exciting is that?
Today if it's raining, smile and grab your umbrella. If you get stuck training to dodge the raindrops, just consider "singing in the rain" and have a great laugh! It works wonders for the spirit. Laugh out loud often! Then remember to always keep a smile in your heart and on your face.

Never Too Old To Learn

One never thinks that after years of schooling, you would discover that you really are not well learned at all. In fact, you might surprise yourself to know you "don't know jack". It really is quite shocking to discover that everything you thought you knew and understood is all quite distorted to say the least especially if it has anything to do with our knowledge and understanding about our family or dear friends.
Maybe we can benefit to learn best by constantly changing our prospective or vantage point allowing us to gain a better prospective on the reality from each vantage point because there are so many. The truth is that each vantage point holds its on reality and it is its truth, not ours!
I know without a shadow of a doubt, I have been shocked, pleasantly surprised and down right dumb-founded as to what may have seemed obviously clear. Wonder if that just has to do with aging or maybe we just lose faith in the natural coarse of things. But regardless your point of view, you are never too old to learn. In fact, as long as we live, there is hope and with that we are always learning.