Deception, something that is around us all the time. It's that annoying little factor we find often at our workplace that has us questioning our moral values all for the sake of maintaining our jobs. But at what cost do we rationalize all the lies and/or deceit to convince us that it cannot possibly be a case of us being lead down the garden path, but rather down the rabbit hole. When do you choose to recognize the truth and take action accordingly.
At some point in our lives we will be challenged to "do the right thing" even though that might not be the popular consensus. Sometimes we have to walk out on "FAITH" and hold the moral ground. Even though it may affect us seemingly alone, more often than not your non-active position to do anything will ultimately hurt many more than meets the eye.
Deceit is just another form of lies which are heinous acts. Would you rather be quiet with watchful eye of such deception or would you rather be courageous and take the moral high ground.
So many bullies in the workplace are able to get away with their heinous behavior because everyone is afraid to bring it into the light to be seen for what it really is. When we allow ourselves to be used and abused in such a manner be it in the workplace or any place, we jeopardize our "PEACE" that which keeps us steady in spirit and mind.
Who will you be? Will you allow yourself to be victimized or will you fight back? Bullies don't do well when you challenge them. They almost always back down. Those that abuse their authority in the worst unprofessional manner should be brought before the firing squad and held accountable for their heinous actions. Just because you may be management, that doesn't give you the right to be disrespectful to anyone for any reason. One should always maintain their professionalism and never abuse their authority.
At some point in our lives we will be challenged to "do the right thing" even though that might not be the popular consensus. Sometimes we have to walk out on "FAITH" and hold the moral ground. Even though it may affect us seemingly alone, more often than not your non-active position to do anything will ultimately hurt many more than meets the eye.
Who will you be? Will you allow yourself to be victimized or will you fight back? Bullies don't do well when you challenge them. They almost always back down. Those that abuse their authority in the worst unprofessional manner should be brought before the firing squad and held accountable for their heinous actions. Just because you may be management, that doesn't give you the right to be disrespectful to anyone for any reason. One should always maintain their professionalism and never abuse their authority.